
2.1 Fullerenes

The options to define the input parameters for the construction of the fullerene are displayed in the Calculations–$>$Input options:

\includegraphics[scale= 0.6]{../../screens/nanocap_fullerene_input_win.png}
Figure 2: NanoCap input options for a fullerene

Here you can set the options for:

Upon on clicking Initialise the dual lattice points belonging to the fullerene will be constructed via the following:

  \begin{equation}  \begin{array}{lcl} x_ i &  = &  \sqrt {1 - z_0}\cos (t_0) \\ y_ i &  = &  \sqrt {1 - z_0}\sin (t_0) \\ z_ i &  = &  z_0 \end{array} \label{randomspheregen} \end{equation}   (1)

where $z_0$ and $t_0$ are two random numbers in the range [$-$1,1] and [0,2$\pi $]. To visualise these points, check the options outlined in Section 7. The process of optimisation of these points is described in Section 5