NanoCap Downloads


NanoCap requires a number of different Python libraries depending on the intended use of the framework. If NanoCap is executed as a standalone application, then all dependencies are included in the installation. This significantly increases the file size of the application relative to using NanoCap from source.

There are two options for using NanoCap from source:

  • Non-GUI
  • Generate, load and save structures
  • GUI & 3D rendering
  • In addition to the above; real-time 3D visualisation and interaction, iterative database viewer

Using the Non-Gui version of NanoCap requires fewer third-party libraries/applications:

  • Non-GUI
    • NumPy
    • SciPy
    • C compiler
    • Fortran compiler

    To enable the GUI and visualisation capabilities, the following additional libraries are required:

    • GUI & 3D rendering
      • VTK + Python bindings
      • Qt (PySide Python bindings)
      The simplest method of installing the above prerequisites is via a package manager such as Homebrew on OSX or the Advance Packaging Tool (apt-get) on Ubuntu. On Windows, Python XY provides an all-in-one Python environment that includes everything required by NanoCap.

      Via Sourceforge

      The primary method for acquiring NanoCap is through the associated Sourceforge project page. Here you can find the standalone desktop application for Windows and OSX, the latest source code releases and the development Mercurial repository.

      To download and keep up to date with the bleeding edge version of NanoCap, check out the source code from the sourceforge repository:

      hg clone nanocap-code-0

      Via the Python Package Index

      NanoCap is also available through the Python package Index. The download can be invoked from the command line:

      pip install nanocap

      After installation via pip and the prerequisites listed above have also installed, NanoCap can be ran from the command line:
